Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Grant that today . . . we may give happiness to all

This morning, I read this in the Morning Prayer: Grant that today we may bring sadness to no-one, but on the contrary, give happiness to all we meet.

It has been on my mind most of the day - or, more accurately, in the back of my mind most of the day.

And you know what? Tonight, as I take stock of the day, I hope that I have brought sadness to no-one, but happiness to all I have met.

I do know one thing for certain - while I'm not sure how I did - I am sure how someone else did. I'd like to reprint a Letter to the Editor of The Catholic Times (LaCrosse, WI). The editor was kind enough to send this to me today. It completely made my day.

The beautiful and humble article by Denise Bossert in the April 30 issue brought tears to my eyes. What a gift she has given to any heart open to her story of conversion to what marriage really is or ought to be. She has suffered pain and loss, and in that, she only hopes that young Catholics might see the beauty and truth of Catholic teaching and avoid the same mistakes that she has made. What a witness! Maybe those in our diocese who prepare young people for marriage could hand out copies of this article.
Carrie Teegarden LaCrosse



  1. That article made me tear up too! My husband was married before he was married to me and had to get an annulment, he also joined the Church this last Easter. We are waiting for the annulment to go thru, hopefully in a few months... but I cannot wait to get our marriage blessed in the church!! :)

  2. It is a precious day and worth the wait!
