O my God, Thou knowest I have never desired but to love Thee alone. I seek no other glory. Thy Love has gone before me from my childhood, it has grown with my growth, and now it is an abyss the depths of which I cannot fathom. -St. Therese
Denise Bossert entered the Catholic Church on August 14, 2005. Her journey began 18 months earlier with the death of her father, a Presbyterian minister. She inherited her father’s personal library and discovered a book by St. Augustine in the bottom of one box. That book broke through her bias against Catholic saints and changed her life. She went on to read St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila. She had fallen in love with Catholic saints and her life as a Protestant was over at that point. Denise is a member of Immaculate Heart of Mary in New Melle, Missouri. She writes for the St. Louis Review and has been published in 59 diocesan newspapers. She has been a guest on the Journey Home, Women of Grace, the Sonrise Morning Show and has been interviewed by numerous Catholic radio show hosts, including St. Joseph Communications. She is the mother of four and grandmother of three.

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