O my God, Thou knowest I have never desired but to love Thee alone. I seek no other glory. Thy Love has gone before me from my childhood, it has grown with my growth, and now it is an abyss the depths of which I cannot fathom. -St. Therese
Cool Trivia About The First Pentecost
Secret to businesses, schools, and the Christian witness
What About The Charismatic Gifts Of The Holy Spirit?
How Filled Are You
The Holy Spirit has come. . .
We Have Been Nominated
She retells the story of an interview in which David Letterman asked composer and performer Warren Zevron, who was dying of cancer, "From your perspective now, do you know something about life and death that maybe I don't know?"
To which Zevron replied, "I know how much you're supposed to enjoy every sandwich."
And so it is with afternoons late in the month of May - and glasses of suntea. Without a doubt, it's all grace.
Grace in Suntea Moments
Fr. Alberto Cutie
How I Spent Four Hours On A Yellow School Bus Today
After A Field Trip With Fourth Graders
Happy Endings
From June 19, 2009 to June 29, 2009 we will be celebrating two incredible things: St. Paul and all priests. It's like the part of a Venn Diagram that intersects. You know, that part in the center where two significant things come together.
I don't know about you, but I think those 10 days hold so much possibility. Maybe consider setting aside that time for a novena. A special novena. Perhaps a novena for priests to rise up with the kind of zeal of a St. Paul and faithfulness of a St. Jean Vianney.
That's what I plan to do. See you there - where two fantastic years intersect!
Year of St. Paul Intersects with Year of Priests
Waiting For Pentecost
The Predatory Nature of Advanced Cultures
Starting a Catholic Blog
What's Your Number?
Calling All Introverts
Once Upon a Time, When I Was Wesleyan
Name It And Claim It - The Eyes Still On Earth
Little Gifts For The Blessed Mother
Once Upon a Time, When I was a Methodist. . .
Peter, numero uno?
Meet My Saint-Maker
Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is
Asking God for Good Things
World Day of Communications Observed Sunday, May 24
Teach Me How To Pray - And To Know Whose Help To Enlist
Robert Wants His Mother
By Popular Demand
Our Lady of Fatima
Surprised by Answered Prayers
Don't forget the toilet paper!
"Offer It Up" - translate please. . .
Unpacking Dreams
Prayer of the Month of May
Discernment and God's Will for Me: Books I Would Like to Read Next
When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd
So Heavenly Minded They Are Of No Earthly Good - who says?!
Breaking Bread and Praying the Our Father
When My Children Are Hurting
Those Catholic Priests. . . and the (un)faithful
Piano Lessons and Faith Lessons