Sunday, February 15, 2009

Do you remember when you were that age?

Middle school is awful. Suddenly, everyone is catty and crazy and even good friends talk behind your back. You even find yourself losing your way every now and then. . .

But then, you get these wonderful glimpses of where God might be taking you. Sometimes, you even believe that you were created for something specific. You are special, and you know it deep down inside, though not very many people tell you that anymore.

Today, I have the great joy of helping with the 8th grade Confirmation retreat. I know the group that is coming to do the retreat - and so I'm already excited for the young people. They are going to be blown away (is that an outdated expression?).

I pray that God will begin to reveal some of his plan for their lives - and that they will have the grace required to say yes to whatever that call may be, for there is no greater joy than saying yes to God.

If you have forgotten what it was like to believe God has a plan for you, if you haven't said yes to him in a very long time, let yourself say one little yes today. You will be surprised by the joy you will find in the journey. May the grace of your confirmation flow through you again today!


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