(That the role of women may be more appreciated and used to good advantage in every country in the world!)
. . .the Catholic by Grace blog will be highlighting one woman from Holy Scripture each day.
Join us tomorrow for glimpse into Eve.

O my God, Thou knowest I have never desired but to love Thee alone. I seek no other glory. Thy Love has gone before me from my childhood, it has grown with my growth, and now it is an abyss the depths of which I cannot fathom. -St. Therese
All About The Women of Salvation History - and Pope Benedict's Prayer Intention for March 2009
I am the kind of person who relies on those postcard reminders from doctors and dentists. Sometimes, the postcard isn't even enough. Sometimes, the office has to take the time to call me and personally invite me to schedule my long overdue check-up.
The Liturgical Calendar is a little like those personal reminders. The Church has so many ways to remind us of important things, like repentance, and remembering our Baptismal promises, and journeying with Mary to Christmas (Advent), and journeying with Our Lord to Good Friday and Easter Morning.
If we have a tendency to let life carry us away, the Church is there to help us put things in the right order.
How long has it been since you went to Confession? Are you fully engaged in this Lenten journey? It's not too late to join the pilgrimage. Consider this your personal reminder. It's not too late.
Dentist Postcard - Your Last Appointment Was. . .
When the Faithful Fast: Quote Cited in Holy Father's Letter for Lent
What's Your "Stations" Story?
Day Two In Our Forty Day Journey Together
Facebook and "All About Me" - an exercise in discernment
The Sacrament of Confession - from Protestant to Catholic
Changing Colors of the Seasons
When It Seems Like God Isn't Listening
Blessed Dina Belanger and Gracelines
The Importance of Ecumenism and Evangelization
A yes and yes people
Those Brilliant Saints
Novena for Life - A Prayer for Lent
When Doubts Arise - Death Penalty
Come Home to the Catholic Church this Easter
Sunday to be "Day of Fervent Prayer" for Holy Father
It is too terrible for words. . .
American and Catholic
Archbishop Chaput underscores Pope Benedict XVI
The Word We Entrust To Mary
Alleluia one more Sunday
Lessons From The Domestic Church (at home)
I need a reminder to trust. . .
The Purple Crayon and Harold
If you still haven't read Render Unto Caesar. . .
A Pro-life Friend Writes. . .
The Visitor Tracker
The article that went to three continents
High Expectations of God. . . and mothers
Last Chance Opportunity
Do you remember when you were that age?
Parsonage on Walnut Street
Into Our Mother's Arms
Inside, Outside, Upside Down - and becoming Catholic
"Good Christians Sometimes Disagree"
The Table
As wonderful as it was to have my husband enter the Church (after thinking it would never happen), I found myself wondering, "What next?" I realized that most of the writing came out of the disequilibrium that ensues when only one converts. Until his conversion, I had transferred that frustration into writing about the Faith and explaining how I went from "there" to "here." Now that my husband was Catholic, I didn't have anything to write. There was a kind of "done-ness" that followed his conversion. The peace and unity in the home sort of eradicated the energy that had generated so many articles.
I decided to spend some time reading what the writing-saints had to say about the writing life. I’ve discovered an interesting thing about them. For the most part, saints like St. Teresa of
So I asked myself, what am I supposed to be doing as an act of obedience and fidelity to God?
I’m realizing there is a definite advantage to the team approach now that my husband is also
The Next Chapter. . .