A diplomat. To encounter the world, and even one’s enemies, and still remain true to the message entrusted to you.
A teacher. To foster learning in those entrusted to you, even the ones who would rather be somewhere else, don’t have an iota of respect for you, and have no desire to learn . . . especially not what you have to share.
A captain. To be entrusted with a mission, the safe arrival from point A to point B, tagged with the responsibility of the entire crew, and always aware of the possibility of complete mutiny.
A shepherd. To have the role of serving and guiding. To care for and to correct. To have the sole responsibility for keeping safe those within the fold and to seek out those beyond the fold. To be the front man when the bear or wolf attacks.
The family sage. To be the source of wisdom for everyone in the family when you are at the age of infirmities. To hold wisdom gained from living and be rejected by the ones who could learn the most. To be ridiculed, though mostly behind your back, by those who need you the most.

The Holy Father is all of these.

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