I have a habit of holding Mary between my fingers when I’m lost in thought. I like the feel of the raised image as my thumb passes over the Blessed Virgin. My constant fingering has revealed the common metal beneath.
Many of the Reformers believed that God covered over our sins, as with a blanket, as with a silver-gilt piece of jewelry that only appears to be solid gold. I can see why the Reformers came up with this theory. It isn’t easy to become a saint. In fact, it’s almost impossible.
One is tempted to settle for a theology that says, “It’s okay, nobody’s perfect. God sees gold when he sees you, even though you are only gold-plated.” But God tells us we are being refined, as one refines gold. When this world rubs away some of that gold, revealing the dull silver-gilt beneath, it is no time to despair. It is no time to come up with another theory that can explain away sin.
You were made for something greater than gold-plating, friend. In your darker moments, you may have doubts. You may think it’s impossible for you to be holy, and you may even be a little tempted to cling to the gold-plating idea, thinking that sanctification is not really possible.
With God, all things are possible. That was Archangel Gabriel’s explanation when a young Jewish girl wanted to know how she, a virgin, could conceive God’s Son.
At the center of this impossibility, we find the answer to our weakness. God doesn’t dabble in appearance vs. reality. He’s in the business of transformation.
God won’t settle for making you appear holy. The God who made you is determined to restore you to your intended dignity. You are made in the image of God.
You are gold.
Next time you feel like giving up on yourself, don’t. God hasn’t given up – and He won’t until you are pure gold.

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