Dating is a special season in life. Exciting, uncertain, full of words like possibility and perhaps. The question of maybe, always on the mind.
Engagement is better. This time of life is also exciting, but the uncertainty is gone. A kind of knowing takes its place. The word maybe is replaced by the word when.
In many ways, the life we will share is already beginning. We see it taking shape. We plan for it. We talk and talk and talk about it. And while we do all that talking, we are already learning what it is like to be married, with glimpses into that new era, withholding nothing, save the final consummation of all things.
Sacred Scripture talks about the Kingdom of God. There are times when we think of that far-off day when we will be able to live completely and freely in that Kingdom. But really, that life has already begun. We see it taking shape as we learn to love those who seem so unlovable to us. We plan for it when we pray, especially when we pray the Mass with the whole Church, the angels, and the saints. We talk about it. Read about it. And we are already learning what it is like to be One in Christ, glimpsing that new era, withholding nothing, save the final consummation of all things.
The Kingdom of God is waiting, that's true. But the Kingdom of God is also now. Within our grasp. The Kingdom of God is today.
It is true that engagements sometimes end and marriages sometimes never happen. But we have a guarantee that the Groom will never leave us. The date of the final consummation is set. There is only one who might walk away from this Wedding Day. You are that one.
For He is faithful.
The Kingdom of God is coming. The Kingdom of God is here. Just as the wedding day approaches, but the life together has already begun.
Even so, Lord Jesus, come!

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