Friday, April 2, 2010

Oh, the power of the Passion! Holy Thursday and Good Friday

I thought I was ready . . . but when the priest kisses your feet, you realize that nothing can prepare you for that. Seems like much of this journey as a new Catholic has been like that. I thought I was ready . . . thought I got it . . . and then I get a clearer view and just can't hold back tears.

You know, I've been in a number of Easter plays (when I was an Evangelical). Each one was a wonderful opportunity to remember the Lord's death and resurrection. I memorized my lines - we all did - or the play would have been a disaster. I worked at my part, and I was pretty good at delivering a solid performance.

Twice, I was a lead character. I love Easter musicals.

But I doubt that I will get to another one. I'm not likely to be in another one, either.

The real "lines" are found in the liturgies of Triduum. I have a new part, a true part. I am not a character in a play about the death and resurrection of Our Lord.

Each time I enter into Holy Week, I take my place in the heavenly liturgy. I enter into these three days.

And I realize that this is not a play to watch. This is not something in the past that we recreate. This Passion is now. It is the everlasting now. It is the once-for-all-time Passion.

We don't crucify Him all over again and we don't recreate it like a play so we can remember.

FRIENDS, we enter in. The divine liturgy takes us there - to that once-for-all-time event.

Christ has died . . .

Tonight, we enter into Good Friday. We don't merely remember. We don't try to recreate. The God of all time and place takes us there. We stand at the cross.

And this is consistent with Jewish understanding of a Memorial Feast. They believe that they enter into Passover. God takes them there. They don't merely remember. They don't try to recreate. The God of all time and place takes them there. They enter into the Passover.

Like these, our ancestors who entered the Passover each year, God has made a way for us to enter into the Passion.

No need for a play about it.

We are there.


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