Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cafeteria Catholics - soulsearching for all

Some Catholics have used this phrase - Cafeteria Catholic - to describe any Catholic who gladly adheres to Catholic teaching when it is a pleasant teaching, but readily sheds himself or herself of those Catholic teachings that are difficult or a professional/political liability.

Even so, conservative Catholics who remain quiet when immigration is on the line are engaging in the same pick-and-choose Catholicism. There are some who even take a public stance that is contrary to that of the Bishops, choosing to adhere to conservative "values" rather than defend Catholic morality and principles of Catholic social justice.

How can we stand strong as Catholics if we only defend Catholic teaching that is in line with our political affiliation? Isn't that what we criticize when it comes to cafeteria Catholics who compromise the lives of the unborn or misrepresent Church teaching on marriage and family and the Eucharist?

We must defend all life. We must especially defend the innocent life of the unborn. But don't delude yourself. If you are a conservative and Catholic, your faith should come first. Don't remain silent when it comes to the immigrant among us. . . or the homosexual who is striving to live chastely. . . or the death row inmate who cries out, I'm innocent. Don't cease to protect all life, even the lives of those who are not choosing to live in conformity with chaste living or legal status.

We defend the dignity of life, no matter what.

If being Catholic is synonymous (in your mind) with being Conservative, then you run the risk of falling into the Cafeteria Catholic quagmire.

Sure, there may be a time when you are standing in the ballot box and you must choose between a candidate who stands up for the unborn over a candidate who stands up for immigrants, but you are not in a ballot box right now. You don't have to choose between two just causes at this moment in time.
Transcend politics. Stand up for all life.

Here's what Archbishop Dolan has to say on immigration: http://blog.archny.org/?p=652


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