We learn from one another in this mysterious world of technology. We feel inadequate much of the time.
It's okay. Go ahead and feel inadequate. But don't let that stop you from sharing the Faith. I'll be honest with you. Just yesterday, I googled "how to add an email subscription to blogger" and I figured it out.
Just yesterday, I googled "how to add a blogroll to blogger" and I figured it out.
Just yesterday, I saw the "Catholic Converts" button on another blog and thought to myself, I want that! So I clicked on the button and figured out how to add it to my blog.
On Christmas Day of 2004, my husband gave me a laptop. I hadn't had access to a computer since 1998. The following year, I began writing for diocesan newspapers...and learned how to be adept at email and attachments and google searches.
In December of 2008, I started blogging. Imagine that... just two years ago this month!
In these last two years, I've joined Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn.
My friend, you can do this. You can spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by blogging. It's a good month to get started. Join the angels of glory. Tell the digital continent that the Messiah has come.
Google "how to start a blog" -
and share the news that was proclaimed over 2,000 years ago. A Savior has come. He is Christ the Lord!

I like your new colors! Very pretty! Google is my best friend because I am only reluctantly tech-savvy. I also started blogging in 2008 but have begun now in earnest, and thus lots of Googling in reading online instructions...Fulfilling the Holy Father's directive to use the social media to spread the Good News...
ReplyDeleteAmen! May 2011 be a year for claiming the blogosphere for Our Lord - spreading the Good News to all, even those who do not yet recognize it as Good News. Arise, Shine, for your Light has come. And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!