The article at Catholic.org opens with a quote from Pope John Paul II:
“God is opening before the Church the horizons of a humanity more fully prepared for the sowing of the Gospel. I sense that the moment has come to commit all of the Church’s energies to a new evangelization and to the mission ad gentes. No believer in Christ, no institution of the Church can avoid this supreme duty: to proclaim Christ to all peoples”.
Then Deacon Fournier gives readers a stirring rally cry to carry the banner of the New Evangelization to the world:
"After a long day, I say to our readers, take heart. There are faithful Catholic men and women being raised up in every segment of our culture, and they are hard at work. They are in love with the Lord and His Church and sacrificially standing for both.There is a lot of "Good News" in the midst of all the bad news we so often hear.The Catholic Leadership Conference is just one example that the “New Evangelization” is well underway.
"I remember when I was a young man, a priest whom I deeply admired use to say, “We may not have it all together but together we have it all”. We really do. We have the fullness of truth which is the Catholic Christian faith, ever ancient and ever new. Now, let’s give it away and offer ourselves as servants of the Lord in this new missionary age."
-Deacon Keith Fournier
*to read the article in its entirety, click on the link above.
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