Last night in the Confirmation class, one young man raised his hand to ask the Deacon a question. His voice wasn't soft, but we could tell that he had triumphed over the fear of standing out - the fear of speaking out. It was important to him. He needed to know. So, when Deacon called on him, he lowered his raised hand, turned his eyes fully on the classroom leader, and asked, "Do you believe there's something after this life? Do you really believe there's more?"
Students in last year's class asked many questions. None of them were as sincere and revealed as much honest hunger for answers as this question. I knew what was coming because I remember Deacon talking about this very subject last year.
I do. I absolutely do believe it. There has to be more. I've seen so many people I love die, and I know from watching them, there is more. I've lost my mom, my dad, so many friends. And you know, I think it will be very much like the moment of birth. We had it pretty good in our mother's womb. Safe. All the nutrients we needed precisely when we needed them. And then, one day, everything changes. But it is a beautiful new world we are birthed into, with so many things to experience and learn and so many to love us. And when we die, it will be like that birth. I believe we will be born into a beautiful new world that is far better than this one, with things to experience and learn and so many to love us. We can't imagine what it will be like - any more than that unborn baby can imagine what we know of this world.
Then the other assistant shared a few thoughts.
And that's waiting for the saints. We're all called to be saints. But we don't try to race to that day. We enjoy the life we have here. That's God's decision - when we are to go. Not our decision. We are called to do things here. And then when He calls us to eternity, we go.
And then it was my turn. What could I add to what these two had already said? And then I looked at the large crucifix on the wall of the Grand Hall. I turned to the young man and said,
He gave you the answer when He was on that cross. What did He say to the repentant sinner hanging on the cross beside Him? "Today, it all will end? This is it? There's nothing more?" No, what DID He say? "This day, you will be with me in Paradise." You know, you will hear all kinds of opinions. Some will tell you there is more after this life. Some will say there's nothing. Some will probably tell you that you just change - that you'll be a frog next time around. No. Our Lord gave you the answer to the question from the cross. There is more. And that's what we are doing. That's why we are here. That's why He came in the first place - that we might have life. . .
That's why He came. That we might have life - and we get a foretaste of that Life even as we journey through this life, fed by the Bread of Life - and then, one day, with God's mercy, we will journey to that Other Land, we will be received into the Beatific Vision. The arms of the Living God. That's why we're here. To get There.
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