Ancient of Days, Angel of the Lord, Anointed One, Defender of Widows, Everlasting Father, Glory of God, Holy One of Israel, I am who I am, Emmanuel, King, King of Heaven, Lily of the Valleys, Light, Lord, Lord our Maker, Man of Sorrows, Merciful, Mighty One, Morning Star, Prince of Peace, Redeemer, A Refuge for the Oppressed, A Refuge for the Poor, The Rock of our Salvation, Rose of Sharon, Ruler, Savior, My Shepherd, Witness, Wonderful Counselor, The Almighty, Alpha and Omega, Amen, Author of Life, The Beginning and the End, Beloved Son, The Blessed Hope, The Bread of Life, The Carpenter’s Son, Christ, The Consolation of Israel, Creator, Deliverer, Faithful and True, The First and the Last, The Gate, The Gift of God, God, God’s Son, The Good Shepherd, Head of the Church, Head of Everything, Heir of All Things, High Priest, Holy One, Our Hope, I Am, Immanuel, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, King, King of the Jews, King of Kings, The King of Peace, The Lamb of God, The Last Adam, The Life, Light of the World, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Lord, Lord of All, Lord of the Harvest, Lord of Lords, Mary’s Son, Mediator, Merciful, Messiah, Nazarene, Prophet, Rabbi, The Resurrection, The Righteous One, The Ruler of God’s Creation, The Savior of the World, Servant, The Son of Man, Teacher, The Truth, True Light, True Vine, The Way, Wisdom of God, The Word, The Word of God, Worthy

Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus