Thursday, October 1, 2009

To Iowa, With Love

A song can take you back to a place. Like James Taylor and I'm Goin' to Carolina in my Mind. Or Sweet Home, Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd.

My husband put on some music by James Taylor this afternoon, and I listened as I washed dishes and baked bread. And I realized that I was thinking about Iowa - even as I listened to Mr. Taylor sing about Carolina.

Iowa is my sweet home.

Others pray for dear ones when they come to mind. I find myself praying for an entire state of dear ones. Every Iowan seems like a relative to me. It's been like that since I moved away - in 1991.

I don't suppose I will ever live there again, but Iowa is in my blood. And when my thoughts turn toward my home state, I always say a prayer. God, bless the dear ones who call Iowa home. If it is possible, let me be an instrument of conversion for this state.

Do you have a home sweet home? A state that calls to you? If you can pray for friends and family, you can certainly pray for an entire state of people. Ask God to bless your dear home. That city, state, or country that has a special place in your heart.


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