Last night, I had a really interesting dream. There was a family eating at a table and I approached their table, where an infant of about 18 months was sitting with them. The little boy began making the Sign of the Cross over and over as he looked at me and upon seeing this, the family at the table entrusted the boy to me. I picked him up and knew that I was now responsible for helping to care for him.
Today at Mass, I saw the image of Our Lady holding the infant Jesus. I knew immediately who the boy in the dream was.
As a former Protestant, I have had difficulty feeling any degree of devotion to the Child Jesus. I have prayed to feel something, anything. The dream did that for me.
If you struggle with this devotion as well, here is something just for you. . .
The Child Jesus was adored by Church Fathers like St. Athanasius or St. Jerome. Other great worshipers of the Childhood Jesus's are St. Bernard of Chlairvaux, St. Francis of Assisi and St. Anthony of Padua. During the Baroque space it was first of all St. Teresa of Avila, who always traveled with her sculpture of the Infant Jesus during founding new convents.
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