You hear the question posed everywhere. On the television. On the radio. What's your number?
Sometimes it has to do with your credit score. Sometimes it refers to a sales campaign for a certain mattress company.
But I think the most important number to you is probably the number of members in your family. It determines how many place settings you put around the dinner table. It predicts how many stockings you hang above the fireplace at Christmas. It is the number of heads you count when you are at the zoo or the park. That number is the most important number in your world.
And I suppose it has been like this since the beginning of time.
Psalm 127:5 How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of [children]; They will not be ashamed When they speak with their enemies in the gate.
Psalm 128:3 Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine Within your house, Your children like olive plants Around your table.
So I guess the question is this: What's your number? Do you have a quiet voice telling you that there might be one more to add to the family number? Is God trying to tell you that you aren't quite there yet? Be open to the Spirit's call. For all time, children have been a blessing from God.
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