I do it every week. It is part of getting ready for Mass. I walk over to a little container that I keep in the kitchen, I open it, and I pull out the envelope for today's offering. I write a check, put it in the envelope, and we head off to Mass.
Today, there were two envelopes dated May 17. I was ready to toss the second one in the trash (I admit it), when I saw the name of the special collection on the envelope.
Catholic Communications Campaign
Talk about being convicted. That's what we are about, isn't it? That's what Catholic bloggers say they are doing. Spreading the Good News?
But if I am not willing to give to this collection, how can I truly say that this is my ultimate goal? Do I really want to share the Gospel - or do I just want a forum to share my own thoughts?
The Catholic Communications Campaign
United States Catholic Conference
3211 Fourth Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20017-1194
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