Many years ago, when my husband and I were dating, one of my favorite things to do was to log on to America On Line and hear those familiar words, "You've Got Mail!" Christ says something very much like that throughout the Gospels. He had a message for anyone who would listen.
Zacchaeus, I'm going to your house.
Woman at the well, let's have a chat.
Martha, Martha, Martha, come here a minute, and let's talk about this.
Woman, why are you crying? Enough of that. I have something to tell you.
While Jesus Christ doesn't physically walk up to people today and say there's something I want to tell you, He does still talk to us, and His words are soft, yet incredibly direct. I've found a message just waiting for me while driving the car, sitting beside my dying grandmother, kneeling in prayer in the Adoration Chapel . . . or beside my bed, crying in the dead of night. He's answered back through another person's words, through my husband, my priest, my parent, my child. He's lifted my spirits through a song, a prayer, a sunrise. He's touched me through another's hug, another's tears, another's letter.
He's stopped me in my tracks while reading a saint's book and whispered to me that the author's holiness, which I had been admiring, was borne in the embrace of the Catholic Church.
And I dropped everything at His call, and claimed His 2000 year old Church as my own. Nobody in my family line had done that - from the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.
And that's what it's like when the Lord delivers His mail.
Things I would never do, I have done. Places I would never go, I have gone. Words I would never have said, I now say. All because He still speaks. And life is never the same again.
There is mail every time I "log on" to the Call of Christ. And the words are always life-giving and life-changing.
Listen. Do you hear that?
You've Got Mail!

You've Got Mail!