And even before that, there was writing and emails and article attachments.
And before that, EWTN television shows and Covenant Network Radio.
And before that RCIA and the Catechism.
And before that the Saints.
I keep thinking that things will settle down. God has taken me through all the new fields. The trail will taper off, and I will sit for awhile and pick the clover and kick up my feet, content with the thought that I have been down every path and seen all the little trails there are to see. I can rest, knowing I've learned how to do those things God wanted me to learn--so that I can take His Good News and spread it around a little more. Motivate somebody else--or have somebody else inspire me.
And then, something new falls in my lap.
Like Catholic Moments.
A Podcast.
And I realize that God takes delight in showing me more and more and more.
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