Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wisdom From the Holy Father

I ran across this beautiful quote by Pope Benedict XVI.

"Wisdom does not need to impose itself by force, because it has the invincible vigor of truth and love."

I need to remember this when God puts me in a position to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and His Church. As a PK (preacher's kid) and former wife of a minister and a die-hard Protestant for 40 years, I am faced with opportunities to witness for Our Lord and His Church - almost daily. It can be a heavy burden - to think that I might be the only one my friend or family member will encounter who will stand up for Mother Church rather than tear Her down. How can I, in those fleeting moments, share in a winsome way all that I have come to love about being Catholic? Is it even possible for little ol' me to do anything - say anything - that will make a difference in their hearts?

There is divine peace available to me . . . if I would remember the Holy Father's words . . . there is no need to become frustrated or agitated when sharing the Truth with others. Truth and Love are all that is required.

The simplicity of evangelism rests in the "invincible vigor of truth and love".


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