Our Sunday reading at Mass went straight to the heart of the matter. We are not a people of yes and no. We are a people of yes and yes.
How does this really elusive piece of scripture have application for a people who promote a culture of life in the midst of a culture of death?
The website http://www.priestsforlife.org/ helps give framework to what we believe and how we act. Priests for Life work to protect the lives of the unborn. They give unborn babies their yes.
They also give all people, from conception to natural death, their yes. http://www.priestsforlife.org/articles/capitalpunishment.htm
They give all life issues their yes.
It is not yes for one (the unborn) and no to others (elderly, infirm and convicted). It is yes and yes and yes. . .
They also give us guidance, along with the bishops and the Holy Father, to see that some issues may conflict with others as we try to decide on a candidate for public office. In this situation, we must understand that not all issues have the same moral weight (which all Catholics already know). Some life issues eclipse others when we are deciding on which candidate to support (and maybe even which life issue to contribute to).
This, however, is not a yes to the unborn and a no to the elderly or infirm or convicted. It is a yes and a yes. Or rather, it is a Yes and a yes.
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